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Message: #04518

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints Import Question

I generally script this kind of thing using the EPrints API, but id does have to be run on the command line of the server.  I've done this quite a few times -- here's an example of one I did a couple of years ago:


...lines 58 to 84 is the process of creating an eprint and attaching a file to it.

If you code, or have access to someone who codes, it's straightforwards.  I'd be very happy to trade advice, code fragments and information for documentation on the EPrints wiki for the next person with this problem.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

I am currently not working in the UK.  Due to timezone differences (GMT -9) email responses may take longer.

On 22 Jul 2015, at 22:52, Greg Whitney <greg.whitney@polymtl.ca> wrote:



At Polytechnique Montreal Library, we are investigating the possibility of doing some retrospective scanning of our printed theses collection.  I know that it is possible to load  “bibliographic” records into EPrints, but is it also possible to batch import the PDF files themselves ??





Greg Whitney

Section Head, Technical & Computer Services

Polytechnique Montréal Library

2500, chemin de Polytechnique

Montréal, QC

Canada H3T-1J4

514-340-5121 x4641

514-340-4026 (Fax)





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